2023 Light Show

The light show is live for the 2023 season! The show runs nightly starting at 5:00 PM and runs until 10:00 PM through New Years Day. This year brings the addition of light strips around the two garage doors to better fill out the front of the house. This helped balance the lights more and left less blank space in the show. We are also working on adding some late additions of a set of three 4 foot singing light bulbs to the show, which we expect to be up before the beginning of December. Along with the additions of some new props and permanent lighting, we have also added and adjusted the songs. We have removed two of the songs and added a new intro song that was also the first time we have actually mixed our own music! We are still working on at least 1 more song…

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2022 Light Show

Another year, another show! Who’s excited?! Props This year doesn’t bring many changes to the props thanks largely to lack of time and an abundance of sickness going through the family since the start of the school year. Luckily we…

2021 Light Show!

How is it already Christmas season?! Where did the time go? With the year quickly coming to an end it is time to get the new show up and running, and that we have! We went into this year wanting…


Welcome to Leyden Rock Lights! My wife and I moved to Leyden Rock in July of 2019 after living in Denver since 2013. We are both Colorado natives and love this state. We moved because we needed more space to…